On Friday, January 18, 2002, at 11:30 AM, Adam wrote:

Ok, I must be doing something wrong, but I can’t find any help files or info on how to use this feature of Fire.

Gee - did you open Fire Help from the Help menu and click on the GPG and Fire link when you were in Fire's help?


I installed GnuPG 1.0.6, created a new keyset, then launched fire. Entered my pass phrase then tried to IM someone on my list.

When I click the security icon my only options are “none and sign”. Shouldn’t there be an “Encrypt” option there?

So, I selected “sign” from the list, typed my message and hit send. A dialog box popped up asking me for my pass phrase, although what I had typed in before was already in there, so I hit OK and then.....nothing happened.

Tried it again, still, the message wouldn’t send.

I re-booted.

Tried again, still nothing.

Are there other programs or processes that need to be running to make this work?



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