{#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{#}  To reply to the author, write to Eric Peyton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yeah - it's a known issue.  I upgraded to the latest yahoolibs in the 
top of tree CVS and this seems to fix this problem to some degree (a few 
people have reported other issues like this as well though).


On Saturday, February 2, 2002, at 11:54  AM, Casey Tourangeau wrote:

> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {#}  To reply to the author, write to Casey Tourangeau 
> Hi guys.
>     First of all: great product! I like Fire's interface much better 
> thn any
> of the 'official' IMs out there.
>     I noticed that when I receive a message in Yahoo and the sender has
> fonts that aren't standard (say set to a different colour), I receive no
> text in the message at all.
>     Are other people experiencing this problem as well?
>         Casey
> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

{#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

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