{#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{#}  To reply to the author, write to Eric Peyton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Everyone - please ignore problems in MSN.  I will be updating the msn 
library completely next week.  We know that it doesn't work "quite 


On Friday, February 8, 2002, at 03:44  AM, Alex Fuller wrote:

> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {#}  To reply to the author, write to Alex Fuller 
> No, it's not working for me: I also get a blank window if an MSN user
> initiates a conversation before they send their first IM (I quite like 
> that
> 'feature' - it goes a bit beyond the normal MSN behaviour!), but I 
> don't get
> any indication after that whether or not they are typing. Also, they 
> don’t
> get any indication that I am typing.
> Alex
> On 8/2/02 4:23 am, brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> {#}  To reply to the author, write to brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 08:04  AM, Colter Reed wrote:
>>>> Where do I see that the other MSN user is typing? They can't tell I'm
>>>> typing
>>>> and I see no evidence that they are, although I have the preference
>>>> set. I'm
>>>> using TOT now.
>>> Put the Buddy Controls toolbar item in your toolbar.  The Buddy 
>>> Controls
>>> item is replacing the Add Buddy, Block Buddy, and Get Info items.  
>>> It's
>>> more
>>> concise this way.  And one less thing that needs localized.
>> Is this working for anybody?  I assume that when someone is typing i
>> should be seeing the typingbadgesmall graphic over the buddy control
>> icon in the toolbar, this thing is im not seeing anything.   Its
>> obviously registering that the person is typing to me becasue their
>> window comes up and there is a delay before i get a message from the
>> person.  Ive got "show typing' turned on, im using TOT, i even tried
>> grabing the source again and rebuilding form scratch.  Any ideas what 
>> im
>> doing wrong?
>> brett
>> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---
> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

{#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

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