{#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
{#}  To reply to the author, write to Eric Peyton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

TOT == top of tree.

This is not a release.  It is a state.

cvs (the place where us developer folks stick our source code) maintains 
branches of code.  TOT is the most recent code checked in by people.

If you want TOT you better know what you are doing and be prepared for 
problems.  Instructions for building your own version of Fire are linked 
from the fire home page.


On Friday, March 1, 2002, at 02:59  PM, B Keyport wrote:

> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {#}  To reply to the author, write to B Keyport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What is this TOT release? Where do I get it?
> --
> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

{#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

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