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On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 03:24 , occupant wrote:
> I have been having yahoo problems for the last few weeks with both 
> Proteus AND Fire. Same problem on both. My Y! acct in my buddies list 
> shows being offline, even though I have the option to disconnect if I 
> control+click it. None of my Y! buddies show up. (In Proteus, the acct 
> viewer shows me as connected, but no buddies either) Sometimes I can dis- 
> and re-connect real quick and it will catch and work for a bit, before 
> throwing me again. Very strange. Me thinks it's Yahoo.

Quite possibly but... I've just 'switched' so I'm used to Trillian on 
Windows and, yes, that occasionally had problems with various services 
tweaking their protocols to lock out the free, cross-service IM clients. 
Yahoo's not locked folks out recently as far as I know - I was having no 
problems with Trillian (I only switched on Friday) so I think it's a Fire 
problem, especially since I *can* connect reliably with my primary screen 
name - just not with my alias.

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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