{#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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The prefs files live in user/library/application support/fire


On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, at 08:17  AM, Edward McKeown wrote:

> {#}  Replies are directed back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> {#}  To reply to the author, write to Edward McKeown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am currently experiencing a bug with one of my buddies when I created 
> him
> he is in the blocked buddies. I then change him to the Default group but
> when I start up fire again he is in the blocked again.
> I want to remove all preferences and start up from scratch I removed in 
> the
> Library/Preferences/fire.plist but when I restart fire all of my old 
> buddies
> are still there.
> My question is how do I remove all of my preferences for fire.  Where 
> does
> all of the preference files live.  Also did anybody experience this bug?
> Thanks
> Edward
> {#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

{#} ----------------------------------------------------+[ fire ]+---

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