"Joseph E. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Wright and Rossi, Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and
> Their Firearms (New York, 1986).
> Britain has a "hot" burglary rate (occupied dwellings) many (8 ? )
> times that of the USA. A federal Dept. of Justice study determined that
> the cause was the fact that American burglars (who don't fear the police
> and courts any more than British burglars) are terrified of being shot
> by the occupant.  They were very much l aware of incidents in which they
> or associates had been driven off at gunpoint or shot by the American
> home owner.  That awareness forced  them into seeking out only
> unoccupied dwellings for their criminal activities.

I've read Wright and Rossi, so I am aware that: 

1. W&R did not claim to have determined the cause of the higher "hot"
burglary in Britain.

2. They did not find that burglars were terrified of being shot by the
occupant.  73% of the criminals (not necessarily burglars) agreed with
the statement "one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at
home is that they fear being shot."  This is a statement about others,
not their own fears.

3. The majority had never encountered an armed victim.

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