A few (I hope, relevant) background points. 1) Sanders (author of the "CO1" opinion) is rather well known as a libertarian. Interestingly, if I recall correctly, the last time he was up for re-election, he was actually endorsed by all of the three largest parties (Democrat, Republican, and Libertarian--and he might have been endorsed by the Greens, for all I know.)

2) WA has had a Concealed Pistol License law since 1961. While there were some problems with its administration in some jurisdictions (like additional requirements, or extremely limited hours for accepting applications) the legislature eventually fixed those issues (and they were usually easy to bypass anyway. So, by some reckonings WA has had a "Right-to-Carry" law since 1961, Also, note that WA's law is quite relaxed. Fingerprints and background check are the only requirements (training or proof of same is not necessary.)


Eugene Volokh wrote:
        There's an interesting state constitutional right to bear arms
discussion in the concurrences to State v. Gurske, 2005 WL 2038536
(Wash. Supreme Ct. Aug. 25).  It's particularly interesting because the
concurrences would recognize that the right to bear arms to some extent
limits armed-with-a-deadly-weapon sentence enhancements even for people
convicted of other crimes (here, possession of methamphetamine).  The
opinions are here:





Lowell Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun Control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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