Hello, All!

I'm sorry writing this question here, bit I have not
access to firebird-admins.

Is it normal that SF alway suggesting to download
.Net driver?

For example, when I open

I see huge green button recommending me to
download .Net driver.
Under this button is link
Browse All Files, where there are really "all files", but I can be confused,
maybe these "all files" are related to .Net ?

Also, when I open

I again see at the top message

"Looking for the latest version? Download NETProvider-2.6.5.msi (620.0kB)"

What is that, really?

I have nothing against .net driver, but for me it's not clear,
why, instead, sf not recommending me to download "latest ODBC driver",
Jaybird driver, or even latest Firebird distributive.

If you remember, earlier that .Net driver was named at SF
as "Firebird client", and this advertisement was more confusing
for the people who came to the FB downloads first time.
Now it's less confusing, but, maybe, trying to say that
all of these is about .Net :-)

Dmitry Kuzmenko, www.ib-aid.com

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