On 15-12-2011 18:11, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>> As I said before, ext4 performance with FW=ON is much slower than ext3,
>> but I now found something new.
>> I've verified that with FB 2.5, TCS times was ok (0s - 3s), and only
>> with FB 3 they are very bad (first test takes 16s, then 12s, 8s, 7s, 7s,
>> etc)
>> What I found is that:
>> Times was bad only with the default SharedCache=true.
>> It happens because in this condition, both the cache_writer and
>> garbage_collector calls PAG_init and it then sets FW=ON before the
>> database is completely created!
>> In FB 2.5, only running CREATE DATABASE does not even open it as forced
>> write. It's just after some other command calling PAG_init that it happens.
>     You mean PAG_header, not PAG_init
Yes, sorry.

>> So now we're spending time while the database is not even completely
>> created.
>     While we can restore previous behavior (put FW ON flag at header page
> when database is created but create db file with this flag switched off) i 
> prefer
> to ask - are we really want to maintain this hack ? Wouldn't it be better to 
> add 
> support of the all existing DBP tags to the CREATE DATABASE statement 
> and adjust TCS and gbak correspondingly ?

Maybe, but I don't think the wish for a faster CREATE DATABASE with
FW=ON is a hack. If this is true, seems we have a design problem.


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