On 12/21/11 19:11, Paul Reeves wrote:
>> BTW, will the default be masterkey or masterke? That's different things
>> now.
> Are you saying that if the default is set to masterke and the user types 
> masterkey that the login will fail? And the same with typing masterke when 
> the 
> password is masterkey?

Yes. That's obvious if we have passwords longer than 8 chars :)

> If that is a case we might have some very confused users. At the moment I 
> would suspect a majority type masterkey because it is the documented default 
> *and* it is a meaningful word. And there is probably a large minority who 
> think they are being clever by only typing eight letters because they know 
> the 
> ninth letter is ignored.

As far as I understand we will use 'masterkey'.

People who are typing will not have too hard problem to type one more
letter. The worst case are scripts where 'masterke' is used. Looks like
this will become a lesson for a people who:
- use default password in production,
- type it in scripts (for _default_ password is not big trouble in fact),
- abbreviate it in undocumented way :-)

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