On 3-1-2012 22:38, Ann Harrison wrote:
> Mark,
>> I am currently going over the JDBC metadata returned by Jaybird, and I
>> was looking for a way to see if a column is COMPUTER BY / GENERATED
>> I found that I should probably look at RDB$FIELDS.RDB$COMPUTED_BLR or
>> RDB$COMPUTED_SOURCE for this, but I noticed that
>> RDB$RELATION_FIELDS.RDB$UPDATE_FLAG is 0 for a computed column, while it
>> is 1 for 'normal' fields.
> The definitive sign of a computed field is RDB$COMPUTED_BLR in either
> RDB$FIELDS or RDB$DOMAINS if the field is defined through a domain.
> The computed source is kept for the convenience of utilities that
> recreate the DDL, but can be deleted without changing the semantics of
> the field.  I wouldn't rely on the update flag which could be used in
> the future for other types of fields that can't be modified.

There is no RDB$DOMAINS (domains are also stored in RDB$FIELDS), but as 
far as I know a domain cannot have a COMPUTED BY defined (at least not 

And indeed, I already noticed the update-flag is also used for other 
types of fields.

Thanks :)

Mark Rotteveel

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