12.02.2014 21:26, Leyne, Sean wrote:
> The directory one level up from the system directory would be the "Windows" 
> folder, and by standard no application files are supposed to be written to 
> that folder.

   Unfortunately, this IS directory where fbclient.dll is looking for msg file 
and where 
it writes its log more than 10 years.

> Isn't more likely that the issue is that the necessary Firebird registry 
> setting is not being setup in the client install?  (Isn't that how the 
> 'Firebird path' is determined?)

   Can you read? Registry settings MUST NOT being set up if several Firebird 
instances/versions are installed at the same time. Otherwise all of them will 
use the same 
config file, etc.

> After all, the server install does not place the msg file in the Windows 
> directory, and the local client see all of the error msgs without issue.

   Oh, really? How had you tested that? Let me guess: using isql which (nice 
accident) is 
in the same directory as the client library.

   WBR, SD.

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