15.02.2014 13:25, liviusliv...@poczta.onet.pl wrote:
> Your explanation is very good but i see that i was not clear in question.
> I understand that collate is for sorting or upper but what is difference
> in maining of collation in this three queries.
> What do
> Select field collate pxw_plk from ...
> What do
> .... Group by field collate pxw_plk
> What difference if i remove collate?

Think about COLLATE as about CAST. Collation overrides default 
comparison rules, so "field" and "field collate pxw_plk" may lead to a 
different grouping (imagine a case-insensitive collation for example). 
As GROUP BY requires that the select list and group list must be exactly 
the same expressions, you get the error.


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