21.03.2014 01:38, Claudio Valderrama C. wrote:

> - Linking user tables to sys tables (FK) should be forbidden (I didn't try,
> but if it works, it shouldn't).

Sys tables don't have PK/UK constraints (only unique indices), so FKs 
cannot be created.

> - User code should not fiddle with sys generators (I think Dmitry achieved
> that with ACLs on generators).

No, ACLs don't help here. I think users should be able to query sys 
generators, but don't increment/reset them. This should be checked at 
runtime like you did in VIO for sys tables.

> - Taking exclusive lock on sys tables from DML should be forbidden, except
> for sysdba:
> select * from <sys_table> for update with lock;  => disaster?
> Of course, we should check all options in the TPB, too.

Please forbid that for everyone, including SYSDBA.

> Probably, the super user should be given the possibility of messing
> everything at will if it activates a flag. From this POV, checking rights in
> code is (for me) more flexible than a set of ACLs for sys tables.

I disagree that super user should have power of breaking the system schema.


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