25.06.2014 11:52, Roman Simakov wrote:

> present at the opening cursor. IMO it's bad style to open cursor. It
> may keep open transaction (it's also not good but RO+RC possible) but
> it should not keep open cursor. I do not understand why to open cursor
> at all if you are not going to fetch right now.
> Open, read correct result, close. Anyway, developers who want to build
> such "strange" systems still can say to server to use
> isc_tpb_insensitive_cursor.

Maybe 95% of all Delphi apps use such "strange" approach. It was always 
a power of Firebird to work with cursors this way, especially with RC RO 
transactions. I strongly disagree with forcing them to choose a 
different approach or recompile their apps.


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