09.08.2014 21:19, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:

>> It has to be channeled to benefit current and prospective users.
> Current users don't care about API because they don't use it. They use all 
> kind of
> envelopes which are already OO-oriented, tested by years and well documented. 
> Future users
> also will use them instead of API because new API has no such features.

Here we mostly speak about FB API users, not FB users in general (they 
really don't care). None of the connectivity layer developers will be 
using the new API if it does not provide them with some new features. In 
FB3, there are very few of them, but with FB4 the situation may start 
looking differently.

There's also a different aspect, much more important IMO. How hard is to 
develop a new connectivity layer (for FreePascal / Node.js / JavaScript 
/ Haskell / whatever) using our API. The easier it is, the more 
prospective users we can get. The SQLDA stuff was sometimes described by 
newcomers as PITA to deal with. If the new API, be it OO or "plain C", 
can be more user-friendly (in terms of usability and extendability), 
then it wins hands down.


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