10.08.2014 14:09, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:

> Whole project is inherited, remember?.. You have to maintain code written by 
> Jim, Mike,
> Arno, Nikolay and others, so why not mine?..

Everything depends on the patch. There's a difference between *can* be 
accepted and *will* be accepted. If you come with the patch restoring 
old ODS support in v3, it will be rejected simply because the active 
project members don't want to spend their time supporting that. It was 
discussed and agreed on. Whatever we agree on regarding the legacy API, 
we cannot stop maintaining it within its current boundaries. But whether 
it must be extended to accomodate all the new features is a subject of 
discussion, primarily depending on conclusions derived from this topic. 
Multiple separately maintainted APIs may be the same pain as with ODS.

I'm not against the legacy API, it is all about the required efforts.


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