I agree that it would help to make people aware that something is
happening behind the scenes, but I think the content must be short,
for example, showing only the last 5 commits (with its dates, and
titles trimmed when need). Clicking in a link could send the visitor
the the full sourceforge list of commits.

FireBase - http://www.FireBase.com.br

CVC> People, maybe you're going to say that this would be ugly, but at
CVC> www.firebirdsql.org 
CVC> after the PROJECT NEWS I would like to see information about latest 
CVC> maybe this whole page inside a frame:
CVC> http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/commit_browser

CVC> While some readers may feel it's too nerdy, I think it's of utmost
CVC> importance to show the project is alive. Currently we are like the magma: 
CVC> are moving but under the surface... then nobody cares and a lot of people
CVC> think the project stagnated years ago.

CVC> ---
CVC> Claudio Valderrama C.
CVC> Consultant, SW developer.

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