By the way C++11 has native regex support.

On 10 June 2015 at 21:03, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
<> wrote:
> Hi!
> When I created SIMILAR TO predicate, I research for libraries to do the
> real work and found no good alternative.
> PgSQL were using (AFAIR) Henry Spencer library, but its (PgSQL) SIMILAR
> TO were definitively non SQL standard.
> We needed a library to work with 1, 2 or 4 byte-length characters,
> actually their canonical representations of collations.
> So as no suitable library was found, I wrote myself one based on a
> CodeProject library.
> This library was simple and recursive, hence it had problems with BLOBs.
> Then I managed to recreate it with non-recursive code.
> This library is trick. First of all, I'm not experienced in regex
> matching. Bugs on it are difficult to fix, and there are cases which
> it's really slow (I didn't compared with others libraries, which may
> also be slow with bomb expressions).
> I'd want to replace it with something capable of working as we need,
> when customized (not editing their code).
> At a first look, boost.regex is the library who can do it. It's
> templatized and works with iterators and traits for customization. It
> has integration with ICU and MFC strings, so this is useful to
> understand how to customize it.
> Understand and customize it will require time, however.
> And I do not want to lost time if it's going to be objected because:
> - It's external code
> - It's boost
> - It's a library which uses C++ as C++, i.e., uses the std library
> - Not only it's internal (like ICU) uses C++, but its interface too
> So what do you think on include such type of library in Firebird?
> Adriano
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