>I'm not sure what the correct solution to this is. Should we deploy fbclient
into the <sys> dir by default? Should we deploy MSVC10 runtime assemblies? As
far as I can tell then are already available on most/all systems that are
supported by Microsoft anyway.

IMO, this is a good solution not to touch <sys> folder. But there
should be a separate package for fbclient stuff (maybe even without
msvc*.dll, only icu* dependencies) so software developers can include
it in theirs software packages, and copy nearby an application.

On 9 November 2015 at 15:52, Paul Reeves <pree...@ibphoenix.com> wrote:
> On Monday 09 Nov 2015 15:13:00 JS-Ohjelmointi wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've installed FB3 with FB3 Beta 2 installer and now with RC1 to Windows
>> 7 Enterprise.
>> In Services I can see that Firebird Service is running. Software stops
>> immediately with error library gds32.dll not found in the path.
>> With Win7 Pro no problems.
> Did you read the installation_readme.txt?
> The installer no longer deploys gds32.dll by default. gds32.dll was provided
> to aid users make the transition from InterBase to Firebird. About ten years
> ago. It really is time to start loading fbclient.dll and only falling back to
> gds32.dll if all else fails. Even then you should check that the gds32.dll is
> the firebird one and not the InterBase one. If we don't make this change with
> Firebird 3.0 when will we make it?
> In addition Firebird 3.0 doesn't deploy the MSVC10 runtimes into the windows
> system directory. So even if we installed fbclient.dll or gds32.dll into <sys>
> they won't work if the MSVC10 runtimes are not there.
> We want to avoid deploying MS runtime assemblies if possible. And one of the
> reasons we (and MS) moved to MSVC10 and later was because it became possible
> to ship the runtimes into the installation directory and not touch the system
> wide assemblies at all. And, technically at least, we should not be deploying
> any library into the <sys> dir. Libraries should be deployed as assemblies. So
> far, we have never done that.
> For what it is worth the only thing that has changed in the RC1 installer in
> this regard is that gd32.dll is no longer installed by default. No previous
> test release of Firebird 3.0 has deployed runtimes into <sys>
> I'm not sure what the correct solution to this is. Should we deploy fbclient
> into the <sys> dir by default? Should we deploy MSVC10 runtime assemblies? As
> far as I can tell then are already available on most/all systems that are
> supported by Microsoft anyway.
> Feedback is needed.
> Paul
> --
> Paul Reeves
> http://www.ibphoenix.com
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