14.11.2015 23:16, Jim Starkey wrote:
> So here's a simple scheme.  The basic idea of a redundant set of
> lightweight key servers running at various points in the network. When a
> database wants to start up, it runs through a list of key server
> addresses looking for one that is actually running.  If it finds one, it
> establishes a secure connection and asks for the decryption key.  The
> key server notes the IP address of the requester and returns the
> appropriate key.  Probably a good idea to toss in a database name as well.

   If no single key server is accessible, the database is locked up.
   Static "white" IP address on client side is required.
   Database on a laptop is inaccessible completely.

   I'm afraid that that's not what customers would pay for.

   WBR, SD.

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