10.12.2015 23:56, Mark Kendall wrote:

> I’ve just been trying out compression with Firebird 3 rc1.  It took a
> long time to get it working on a Windows 7 64 bit machine until I
> discovered a post about whether or not zlib should be compiled into
> Firebird or a separate dll should be used.  From that snippet I guessed
> I needed to download zlib source and compile a 64 bit zlib1.dll as there
> is no official windows 64 bit zlib1.dll available.  Once that was done I
> could then connect via ISQL using compression, yay!
> A little bit more work putting a 32 bit zlib1.dll into the client
> machine and our Delphi app could connect via compression as well
> (verified by doing wireshark captures with compression on/off).
> Looks like great improvements simply going from FB2.5 (protocol 12 I
> think) to FB3 (protocol13) even before compression is applied!
> Are the zlib dlls supposed to be included with Firebird or is the
> documentation supposed to contain a note saying that they need to be
> obtained separately (or did I just miss this?)

It should be included. I see zlib1.dll present in snapshot builds but, 
wierdly enough, not in the official RC1 packages. To be investigated.


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