29.12.2015 11:43, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
That I do not expect to get something better than this bell curve:

I was unable to create a good load on database with my weak notebook, but oltp-emul with 5 windows gave me these numbers for lock manager using CRC32:

Hash slots: 8191, Hash lengths (min/avg/max):    0/   0/   6
Hash lengths distribution:
        0  :     3591   (43%)
        1  :     2992   (36%)
        2  :     1194   (14%)
        3  :      324   (3%)
        4  :       71   (0%)
        5  :       14   (0%)
        6  :        5   (0%)

  It looks like the curve falls faster.

  WBR, SD.
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