MR> Let me make my position clear: I don't see the need to support a 14
MR> year old OS that has had no updates (including security updates) since
MR> April 2014. If you're in business with such systems, you are operating
MR> irresponsibly and I see no need to support such behavior. Also if you 
MR> are using such outdated systems, how likely is that you update to a 
MR> newer Firebird version; I think that is unlikely, so again why would we
MR> need or want to support that.

When you say "you", I hope you are referring the message reader, and
not myself, since I don't use XP or Win2003, but I have a Firebird
dedicated portal with +72.000 registered people and I can assure you
that those 2 systems are still being used in Brazil (who, btw, has the
biggest Firebird user base in the world). So, I'm here just to show
the scenario, not to fight for my personal needs (specially when they
do not apply in this case).

About outdated, insecure environments, you have no idea about what you
can find here, and I will not even speak about this :D

Anyway, my point is just to show that those 2 systems can still be
widely used in some parts of the world, and this should be taken into
the math when taking any decision.

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