>    To let rumors that Firebird is unbearable slow to spread is a bad thing 
> too.

1-  1 sec is not "unbearable"!

2-  Slowness only occurs when using "localhost" with v3 client *and* v2.5 
server -- a very unusual situation (why would you have new client installed on 
same host as old server?)

3-  The performance problem is with Win API/DNS resolving the IPv4 address of 
"localhost" -- "" is an IPv4 IP so DNS resolution is completely 
bypassed, which is why is doesn't suffer any connection delay.

4-  The performance "problem" can be resolved by disabling IPv6 on the host 
system.  (I have asked Stefan to confirm same)
      - v2.5 is known not to support IPv6.
      - We have had to disable IPv6, on Microsoft's instructions, to address 
DNS issues with IPv4 on hosts in our Win2012R2 clusters.

So, IMO, the only rumour will be "_don't mix v3 and v2.x client/server on same 


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