The behaviour of this function seems to have changed slightly.

In FB 2.5 this string: 


will execute in isc_dsql_execute_immediate without error.

If the server is FB 3.0 and the client is Fb 2.5 this error is thrown:

  Dynamic SQL Error
  -SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of
  -unknown ISC error 336003111

If the server is Fb 3.0 and the client is Fb 3.0 this error is thrown:

  Dynamic SQL Error
  -SQLDA error
  -Wrong number of parameters (expected 1, got 0)

In all cases isc_dsql_execute_immediate is called with a null xsqlda.

I've tested this with a control statement that does a dummy update. In
all those cases execution succeeds correctly with a null xsqlda.

Obviously select statements are not meant to work with
isc_dsql_execute_immediate. And it is arguable that the old behaviour
was incorrect because it allowed misuse of the function. However, if we
are going to throw an error I think it should be more explicit. Perhaps
something along the lines of:

  'Select statements cannot be execute by isc_dsql_execute_immediate'

Shall I log this as a bug / enhancement request ?

Paul Reeves
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