On 06/29/2016 12:07 PM, Paul Reeves wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 10:36:54 +0200
> Philippe Makowski <pmakow...@ibphoenix.fr> wrote:
>>> I get this error:
>>>    In file included from src/include/firebird.h:70:0,
>>>    from src/gpre/movg.cpp:28: src/include/../common/common.h:555:2:
>>>    error: #error Define FB_CPU for your platform
>> Strange error you have, no idea why
> It is probably because I have tried to build the tagged Firebird 3.0.0
> source. I notice in the fedora build logs that several patches have been
> applied.
> I'll try building from the epel-7 source rpm and see if that works.

In common.h there is

#ifdef AMD64
#define FB_CPU CpuAmd

2 master defines (-DLINUX -DAMD64) are placed into command line of g++, 
therefore I hardly understand what happened.
If you provide full configure & make logs I hope I can explain a reason.
And certainly clean sources should build on CentOS 7.
If not we need have them fixed for 3.0.1.

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