01.09.2016 15:46, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> I see that before VC++ 2015 Update 3, it accepts everything supported
> without compiler options, right?

Looks so.

> So, I think the plan should be:
> - Update Linux prefix files to include -std=c++11
> - Agree on a set of allowed features
> - Write a readme specifying these features
> I can then submit it as PR with some usage of these features, converted
> from old code, so others can see it working in their environments.


> For the set of allowed features, I would want we to be dynamic and
> always evaluate then as necessary, but I would start with:
> - auto keyword
> - range-based for loop
> - lambdas

+ nullptr and static_assert, maybe also initializer lists and non-static 
member initializers.


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