25.02.2017 12:37, Mark Rotteveel wrote:

>> Do you/anyone know if these engines return full results sets or follow the 
>> "page set" approach?
> As far as I know Oracle[1], PostgreSQL[2], SQL Server[3] support it. I
> believe MySQL does as well. Don't know about other database systems, but
> I assume most of them will support this (the SQL CLI standard also
> defines it).

AFAIK, in these databases page sets are primarily a transport/API 
feature. The important question, however, is whether the engine does 
some work during fetch() besides copying the row(s) for the next batch. 
I suspect InterBase/Firebird is the only engine that may process 
execute() as a no-op and perform all the data retrieval / joining / etc 
during fetching.


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