28.02.2017 17:18, Michal Kubecek wrote:
> as my Hackweek project, I played with struct rem_port and tried to turn
> it into class hierarchy with virtual functions. The plan is to use this
> to implement listening on multiple sockets (CORE-5219) and possibly also
> AF_UNIX socket support but I didn't get that far yet. Current state of
> the cleanup is at
>   https://github.com/mkubecek/firebird/commits/mk/4.0/remote-cleanup
> The problem is the series also touches windows specific code (including
> WNET and XNET) and I'm pretty sure there are some typos and omissions
> which I would like to fix before submitting a pull request.

When you're ready to PR, just ask here to build from your fork's branch. 
We'll report if any issues are present.


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