11.10.2017 22:56, Vlad Khorsun via Firebird-devel wrote:
   The problem is that you don't undestand that auth parameters (required to 
connection) should not be mixed with action's parameters.

I can't understand what you talking about. Action parameters are in spb at isc_service_start() call. Auth parameters are in spb parameters at isc_service_attach() call. Where you mixed them?

   Where have you found this limit? What word from my message you read as 
"isc_svc_db_name cannot be used in spb anymore"?

  So, do you offer engine to add all params from isc_service_attach's SPB into 

  No. Try to re-read word by word:

----------- README.services_extension -----------------
8) Services API extension - passing database connection string as a service 
manager name.
(Dmitry Sibiryakov, 2017)

When database connection string is used in call isc_service_attach() or as
the first parameter of fbsvcmgr utility, this database is used
as a default value for "expected_db". And expected db become a default value
for "dbname".
If "expected_db" or "dbname" tags are specified explicitly, defaults have no
Old service names are still recognized, so this feature cannot be used with
databases named like "service_mgr", "backup", "anonymous", etc.

  WBR, SD.

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