On 08/11/2021 14:05, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote 08.11.2021 17:54:
>> The solution does not work for the profiler then.
>   Why? Isn't the profiler supposed to help detect cases when fast (by
> itself) statement is executed enormous number of times degrading overall
> application performance?..

Yes but it also record things per running request, so you have start/end
times of them if you want more detailed information, and aggregate the
data to have a general view.

In this case DSQL requests is no different than stored routines.

They may be called multiple types and with the "compiled statement ID"
one is able to aggregate the data.

Through the non-stable request ID one is able to see the call path over
the time.


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