Den 2022-02-15 kl. 16:10, skrev Vlad Khorsun:
15.02.2022 15:20, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:


I can think of two ways to proceed:

1) Keep rebuilding the index every time the type is changed. Cast all column values into the new format before storing keys into the index. Forget about being scale-independent, pick the scale from the latest table format (and store BIGINTs or all exact numerics as integers without scale, as you suggest).

2) Prohibit decreasing the scale. Avoid rebuilding the indices unless really necessary (idx_itype is changed). Consider it a good thing (tm).

Maybe there may be other options, I didn't think deeply about this.

  2+)  Rebuild index only if scale was decreased. Add optional clause at SQL syntax level to explicitly [dis]allow this. If scale was not decreased - leave index unchanged.

With respect, since I'm not in the dev team, I fail to see it as an important feature to avoid index rebuild when changing between integer and numeric column types:

1. Changing between such types must be pretty rare, at least on production databases. During app development, yes, sure, but at that stage the data is probably small or non existent, so rebuild won't matter anyway.

2. It already doesn't work and nobody has really complained, correct?

3. Changing data type of an indexed column is an operation where you do expect a non-negligible impact, i.e. you expect the DB engine to have to do "some work".

So, I'd vote for a solution that drops the ambition to avoid index rebuilds, and instead focuses only on index size and index performance.

Just m.h.o.

I do have a production database with a couple of tables containing a few hundred million records using bigint primary keys, and all tables use bigint keys all over the place, so I think I would benefit from improvements there. :-)

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