Hi all,

> > I think this is mistake, isn't it? Abount "SOME_COL = ? OR ? IS NULL
> > Predication"
> >
> > ---
> > • If “param1” is not NULL, the language interface is required to
> > assign the correct value for the first parameter, set the
> > XSQLVAR.sqlind to NOT NULL and leave XSQLVAR.sqldata NULL.
> > ---
> >
> > fix this
> >
> > ---
> > • If “param1” is not NULL, the language interface is required to
> > assign the correct value for the first parameter, set the
> > XSQLVAR.sqlind to NOT NULL.
> > ---
> As far as I can tell the existing text is intentional and correct. It
> tries to convey that the value of XSQLVAR.sqldata is irrelevant for
> parameters in ? IS NULL (and therefor is best left NULL).

Tsutomu is right. param1 is the parameter with a 'normal' SQL data type
(i.e. not SQL_NULL). So if it is not NULL, XSQLVAR.sqldata should point
to the value and XSQLVAR.sqlind should be set to 0 (indicating NOT NULL).

Only in the second parameter (the one in "? IS NULL", of SQL_NULL type)
should XSQLVAR.sqldata always be null (null pointer).

Paul Vinkenoog

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