P.37   Common Language Elements


"This chapter covers the elements that are common 
throughout the implementation of the SQL language 
— the expressions that are used to extract and 
operate on facts from data and the predicates 
that test the truth of those facts."

Somehow I find it strange that a fact can be 
false.  Thus, testing "the truth of those facts" is a strange expression.
Maybe it is just ok?


Table 4.1. Description of Expression Elements

Array element    An expression may contain a reference to an array element

This does not describe an "array element".
Also, "Context variable" in a like manner, and others.

Parenthesis    ... When embedded parenthesis ...

Maybe "When nested parenthesis" is better.


p.39   Number constants

For hexadecimal notation, isn't there something 
about the sign that deserves mention here?
The example uses 0X08000000 - the first 0 after the X does serve some purpose.


Table 4.4. Comparison Operator Precedence

After the table:
"This group also includes comparison predicates 

Could something be said about the precedence of these?


"The returned result does do not have to be a 
literal value: it might be a field or variable name, compound
expression or NULL literal."

Delete the word "do".

"A short form of the simple CASE construct is used in the DECODE function."

I was puzzled by this sttement - it has nothing 
to do with the example that follows.  But 
clicking on DECODE shows that it is indeed the case. (!)

"As with the simple CASE construct, the result 
must not be a literal value: it might be a field 
or variable name, a compound expression, or be NULL."

I would prefer "must not be" to be replaced with 
"does not have to be" (as it is for the simple CASE).


p.51 (end of first paragraph):
A CONTAINING search is not case-sensitive.

Maybe a comment/warning on accent-sensitivity?


Aage J.

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