
I can't get lazy loading to work as I think it should.

Parts of the problem: Entity Framework 6.0.2, Firebird ADO.NET provider (Entity Framework 6), Visual Studio 2012 Professional, Firebird 
2.5.2, Windows 7. Database server on localhost.

Two related tables:

motherdata, fields motherid (primary key, generated by sequence), 
mothername (varchar(50), not null).
childdata, fields childid (primary key, generated by sequence), motherid 
(foreign key), childname (varchar(50), not null).

Model classes with virtual navigation properties.

Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled, Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled are 
both true for the DbContext derived class.

Console application with two functions: ShowMothersWithChildren, 
ShowChildrenWithMothers. Both just print the data to the console, one 
every motherdata record with a list of related childdata records, one 
every childdata record with the related motherdata info.

The main function creates the DbContext derived class and calls the two 
functions. Between runs I change the order of the calls. The first 
function called doesn't show the related data: empty childdata lists for 
motherdata records, null for related motherdata in childdata record. The 
second call works as expected.

Bug in the provider? Or my bug (in which case I probably should provide 
more details)?

Thank you for help,

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