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Mgr. Jiří Činčura
Independent IT Specialist

From: Ernesto Cullen []
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 4:57 PM
To: For users and developers of the Firebird .NET providers
Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Compiling for mono

I could get Firebird provider running on Mono, using embedded server. I did 
some changes to the conditional compilation definitions (#if) and an addition 
to resources processing. How can I get these integrated in the official code?

Ernesto Cullen

2014-07-30 5:36 GMT-03:00 diskuze 
Hi, probably best idea is to use the build for Mono/Linux from<>. Or you can build it yourself, there’s 
a configuration with same name in project.

Mgr. Jiri Cincura
Independent IT Specialist

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