
At February 10, 2017, 8:12 AM, Jiří Činčura wrote:

>> it(when compiled). And, since the application that is calling this
>> .dll is not a .Net application(it's a native Win32 Delphi
>> application), I am trying to find out how to setup the entity

> Again. You're not saying how are you loading it. You can load DLL and
> execute some code from it even with config file. Depends how you're
> loading the CLR (and if, also).

Just to add to the context.

I'm using RemObjects Hydra as the plugin architecture, for our
application, and it's Hydra that loads the .Net assembly DLL. The DLL
is ComVisible. But other than looking in Hydra's code, I can't say how
the DLL is loaded.

Again thanks for the information.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail
 Senior Software Developer
 ACCRA Solutions Inc. (www.accra.ca)
 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (www.filopto.com)

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