On 18-3-2017 16:21, Clyde Eisenbeis wrote:
> Mark,
> I'm not sure how to reply via StackOverflow, so I'll email.

Here is fine.

> Thanks!  Your description creates an .fdb file. (I think .fdb is the
> correct format acronym).

You can choose whatever you want for the file extension, but fdb is 
indeed to common choice.

> 1) The filename was zzFirebirdTest.fdb.  The end result is
> ZZFIREBIRDTEST.FDB.  How do I keep TitleCase for the name?

Unfortunately there is no way, Firebird internally uppercases the 
filename on Windows. If you really want to preserve case, you would 
first need to create the database and then rename it.

> 2) UserID = "SYSDBA", Password = "masterkey".  I presume there is no
> risk in using anything I want.  Are they case sensitive?

Firebird Embedded on windows does not check for username and password, 
so you can leave them out. For a normal Firebird server, username is 
case insensitive, but password - of course - is case sensitive.

> 3) Is the pageSize = 4096, a good common practice?

It depends, 4kb is common, but the max is 16kb for current Firebird 
versions. A larger page size allows for larger index keys, other than 
that it depends: large pages means more records fit on a single page, 
and as buffers/caches are defined in pages, you'll have more data in 
cache, on the other hand storing blobs can have more space overhead: 
you'll need less pages per blob, but say you store blob is around 16KB, 
then you need 5 pages of 4KB and you will waste +/- 3500 - 400 bytes 
because it only needs a few bytes (+ bytes for the page header) of the 
last page, while with a 16KB, you'll need 2 pages of 16KB and waste 
about 16000 bytes.

> 4) I'm struggling to find details about FbConnection.CreateDatabase on
> the Firebird Document site.

You'd need to ask Jiri who maintains the project. The documentation on 
the Firebird ADO.net provider is rather sparse in my opinion, but you 
can always check the source: 

> Apparently the order is ... connection details (string), page size
> (int), force writes (bool), overwrite (bool).

public static void CreateDatabase(string connectionString, int pageSize 
= 4096, bool forcedWrites = true, bool overwrite = false)

> The connection string has reserved words, Database, ServerType, etc.
> Is there a site that clarifies all of the reserved words / options /
> defaults?  I'd like to document this info while it is still fresh in
> my mind ... for future projects.

See the Description annotations on FbConnectionStringBuilder


Mark Rotteveel

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