
I am trying to get the Firebird/ODBC link to work via pyodbc (v2.1.7)
and unixodbc (v2.2.14), under linux (amd64).

I am using "libOdbcFb.so" that I extracted from
OdbcFb-LIB-2.0.0151.amd64.tar.gz, as provided on the Firebird ODBC
download page from SourceForge. It is possible for me to connect the
remote Firebird server using the unixodbc-provided "isql" program, and
do queries, so I know the ODBC link can work properly.

However, when I try to contact the database from python using pyodbc,
things start to go awry:

import pyodbc
conn = 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./get_db_info.py", line 81, in <module>
    dbConnection = pyodbc.connect(dsn)
pyodbc.Error: ('H', '[H] [unixODBC][ (0) (SQLDriverConnectW)')

I tried to supply the "ansi = True" option to pyodbc.connect(), but
the result is even less encouraging; it yields a segmentation fault.

It is noted that I am able to use pyodbc to connect to other databases
(SQL server, mysql; postgresql).

Does anybody have ideas what may be going wrong here? Any suggestions
on what to try next?


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