I don't understand why people are
​now ​
saying you
to use Chrome Logger
​ to log PHP from Firefox.​ That's not true
. In this discussion list,
 the thread entitled "replacement for firephp (devtools)"
​ from late September to early December 2016 (sorry, I don't know how to
link to it). In that thread, Erik, myself, and a couple of others talked
about other ways of getting PHP logging in Firefox, without FirePHP.
(Although FirePHP was certainly better and I wish it would come back to

Here's the method I use, and it still works:

Set up a separate PHP file in your standard PHP path location. This is
originally based on someone else's script (unfortunately I don't know
whose, so I can't credit him here), but I made some modifications to
simplify it. I call the file PhpToConsole.php. I've removed some of the
devel comments below; its functional contents are:

function phpToConsole( $data ) {


    $output = 'console.log(' . json_encode( $data ) . ');';
    $output  = sprintf( '<script>%s</script>', $output );

// TOGGLE: Temporarily comment out just the echo line below, if desired to
clear the Console for other (like JS) calls:
    echo $output;



​I call it (i.e. log something to the Consol​e) simply like this:

     phpToConsole( "[PHP] My log message including $myVariable goes here."

I keep the phpToConsole script in a separate file, and pull it in with
a require_once in every other PHP file, but the script is so short it could
simply be placed at the top of every file that needs it.

Almost featureless, but it's dead simple and works for now.

- Lawrence

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