Not too much experience with the other firewalls but I would like to add a
couple things about the Netscreen5.

The NS-5's processor is built on Netscreens first ASIC technology unless that
changed in the last month or so. Their NS-100 and 1000 are the only devices
that use their second generation ASIC. I dont think many people can afford
the NS-1000 considering you will need to get a second mortgage just to buy
the darn thing!!!
Also DONT BE FOOLED I repeat, DO NOT BE FOOLED with their 10 user and
unlimited user license. 10 is the limit and with only 1024 sessions  I dont
see any reason why you would buy unlimited user as you wont even be able to
get on it. Its meant for your personal use or SOHO...a small SOHO at that....


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