On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Rick Brown wrote:

> I'm still struggling trying to get my internal DNS
> server to forward requests to my ISP's DNS server.  I

How is the internal server configured to do this?

> can access web sites via the IP address but I can't
> get DNS resolution to work.  I can ping the ISP's DNS
> servers from my DNS servers and I have the ISP's DNS
> servers set up as forwarders for my internal DNS
> servers.  I am allowing UPD and TCP 53 from the my DNS

It sounds like the forwarders stuff isn't done correctly- do the internal
servers generate traffic destined to the external ones?

> servers to the ISP's servers.  What am I missing?
> When I do an nslookup on something like www.google.com
> it immediately responds that my DNS server doesn't
> know what it is.  Is this some start of authority

If you get an immediate response, then either you're not forwarding the
query or the server you're querying isn't forwarding its queries.  Sniff
the internal nameserver's interface and see if it's asking the external
one, that will narrow the problem down to either a configuration error or
a resolver issue.

Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."

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