Dear All, 
Yesterday my PIX hanged up.. It happend after a
restoration from one of the inside network machines 
to outside, it was just a 4 MB file, everytie after
starting this, PIX hangs and loose the arp table. 
I have no specific configuration on PIX. no filtering
, no authentication, just conduit commands to restrict
comeing connections.  It was so strange. I tried to
see the memory usage... and saw this, of course I
think the text is a little mallformed : 
any help ? 
--Fatemeh T. 

show memmize authentic
67108864 bytes total, 57262080 bytes freept           


Traceback:P tracings
0: 80013bd3
1: 80000d9f           
2: 8002940c           
3: 80001efb           
4: 00000000e          
vector 0x00000002word             
   edi 0x00000000       
   esi 0x8040d0d4nd 
   ebp 0x8076f748
   esp 0x8076f73c                 
   ebx 0x8040d0dc                

   edx 0x80013bd3
ecx 0x8040d0d4o
eax 0x802bf5ec                 
error code 0x800024
   eip 0x00000008le
    cs 0x00000246ng               
eflags 0x8076f75c                 
CR2   0x00000000
0x8076f7bc: 0x00000000
0x8076f7b8: 0x00000000                      
0x8076f7b4: 0x00 
0x8076f79c: 0x12345678          
0x8076f798: 0x12345678
0x8076f794: 0x12345678                      
0x8076f790: 0x12345678
0x8076f78c: 0x12345678                      
0x8076f788: 0x12345678           
0x8076f784: 0x12345678r
0x8076f780: 0x12345678F                     
0x8076f77c: 0x12345678                      
0x8076f778: 0x00000000  
0x8076f774: 0x00000000
0x8076f770: 0x802ba8a8                      
0x8076f76c: 0x8002940c       
0x8076f768: 0x8076f7
0x8076f764: 0x802ba8a8                      
0x8076f760: 0x80000d9
0x8076f75c: 0x8076f768
0x8076f758: 0x801                
0x8076f748: 0x8076f75c82559 
0x8076f744: 0x00000246                      
0x8076f740: 0x00000008       
0x8076f73c: 0x8000241f0x8076f738: 0x802bf5ec          
0x8076f734: 0x8040d0d4000  
0x8076f730: 0x80013bd3                   
0x8076f72c: 0x8040d0d
0x8076f728: 0x8076f73c                      
0x8076f724: 0x8076f748
0x8076f720: 0x8040d0d4                      
0x8076f71c: 0x00000000  
        0 input err
0x8076f718: 0x00000002overrun, 0 ignored, 0 
0x8076f714: 0x80002929                      
0x8076f710: 0x8076f748      
        16970 p
0x8076f70c: 0x8040d0d4bytes, 0 underruns    
0x8076f708: 0x8040d0dc                      
0x8076f704: 0x00000020st rpf drops          
0x8076f700: 0x00000020   0 output errors, 0 
0x8076f6fc: 0x8              
0x8076f6e4: 0x8076f710                      
0x8076f6e0: 0x8027e770is i82559 
0x8076f6dc: 0x802ba7e8                      
0x8076f6d8: 0x8002a2d6           
0x8076f6d4: 0x8076f6e4t
0x8076f6d0: 0x8027e85c                      
0x8076f6cc: 0x8027e85c, BW 100000 Kbit full 
0x8076f6c8: 0x8027e770                      
0x8076f6c4: 0x8027e770kets input, 8444119 by
0x8076f6c0: 0x802ba7e8                      

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