Shay Hugi schrieb:

> Adminiweb has announced their web management system for the NetGAP Firewall
> Appliance...
> Do you guys (GURUS!) consider this issue while buying a product..  I mean
> the existence of a good management system..

A good management system is one of the major differentiating features in
firewalls on the market today. Comprehensiveness of configuration to the
designated administrators is very importat so that they always know what they
are doing, and logging/alerting features are just as important. I would never go
for a web-based management system though for a firewall, as I would consider
HTTPS too complex a protocol and too widely implemented; also, it usually *will*
make people modify their firewall configuration from remote locations without
properly documenting it. Firewall management in my opinion should mainly happen
from the inside and over VPN/SSH tunnels, and should use proper certificate
checking. It should never be attempted from untrusted computers, and this is
very possible with web based management. You never know when there's not a
hardware device attached recording your keystrokes...

> A web-based system? Snmp management supported? And other features... Such as
> graphs, syslog traps and firewall logs analysis?

Graphs would be fine, as far as firewall log analysis goes - it's important. I
wouldn't like SNMP management, as SNMP is utterly, utterly insecure in my
opinion (a firewall might support throwing traps, but it shouldn't support
management over SNMP).

> Or that you count on the good old CLI for this job?

Even though I am a CLI user in general, I wouldn't really recommend this with
firewalls. As stated earlier, it is *very* important at all times to know what
you're doing - a GUI does a far better job in visualizing network structure.

Best Regards


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