Dear FISers, 
it is clear (and it has been demonstrated) that what you cal l"agent" is 
something that... increases the dimensions of the discourse. 
For example, our brain, rather than "extract" information from the environment, 
makes exactly the opposite process, by "diluting" and "increasing" it.Starting 
from sensorial inputs from the 3D (plus time) environmental data, our brain 
processes them in 4D plus time (or even more!) dimensions.  This means that, 
when I see a cat in the street, my mind enriches it with other dimensions 
(emotions: "how nice is that cat!"; higher brain activities: "that  cat is a 
feline"; and so on) 

Arturo TozziAA Professor Physics, University North TexasPediatrician ASL 
Na2Nord, ItalyComput Intell Lab, University 

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