[I forgot to Cc the mailing list with this, so sorry about the duplicate message, Bryan.]

Since the hash mark # seems to simply start a comment in fish, it needs to be escaped in order to allow the command to use it. Otherwise your command would end up being something like lpr -, which makes sense that it would be unrecognized.

Is there an issue with either using lpr -\# copiesĀ or lprĀ "-#" copies for your command? Either one seems to produce the same response as bash does with lpr -# copies.

It seems from what I can tell that bash only begins a comment when the hash mark # begins a "word", or rather, has a space/newline before it, while fish will begin a comment with any unescaped unquoted hash.

Daniel Barnes

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Bryan Kilgallin <br...@netspeed.com.au> wrote:
The "lpr" command prints files. It has a "-#" option that sets the number of copies to print.

This option is available in BASH.

But unfortunately FISH does not recognise it. So I get the "unknown option" error message.

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