
It took a bit of digging through hex codes as Stestagg suggested, but I
came up with this command that seems to work:

diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'ramdisk' (hdiutil attach -nomount ram://204800 |
tr -d '[:space:]')

tr -d '[:space:]' removes the 0x09 TAB characters as well as the string of
0x20 spaces. I believe the problem was the tab characters.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Yvon Thoraval <yvon.thora...@gmail.com>wrote:

> may be, because the output of :
> hdiutil attach -nomount ram://204800
> isn't (for example) :
> /dev/disk4
> but rather (without the quotes) :
> "/dev/disk4
>     "
> that's to say with tens of spaces after /dev/disk4
> may be i shoud trim that ?
> 2014-02-24 10:01 GMT+01:00 Stestagg <stest...@gmail.com>:
> Could that be some non visible characters in the output?  Bash and fish
>> handle ifs differently.
>> Could you pipe the output of hdiutil to hexdump to see?
>> Steve
>> On 24 Feb 2014 08:04, "Yvon Thoraval" <yvon.thora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> if i decompose the line in two (under SHELL fish):
>>> >$ hdiutil attach -nomount ram://204800
>>> /dev/disk4
>>> $ diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" /dev/disk4
>>> Started erase on disk4
>>> Unmounting disk
>>> Erasing
>>> Initialized /dev/rdisk4 as a 100 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
>>> Mounting disk
>>> Finished erase on disk4 RamDisk
>>> it's OK then i was hopping doing :
>>> $ set monVolume (hdiutil attach -nomount ram://204800)
>>> >$ diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" $monVolume
>>> Unable to find disk for /dev/disk5
>>> was working correctly, but not.
>>> strange the "Unable to find disk for /dev/disk5" because :
>>> $ lal /dev/disk*
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   0 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk0
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   1 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk0s1
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   2 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk0s2
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   3 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk0s3
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   4 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk1
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   5 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk1s1
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   6 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk1s2
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   7 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk2
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   8 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk2s1
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,   9 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk2s2
>>> brw-r-----  1 root  operator    1,  10 20 fév 15:31 /dev/disk2s3
>>> brw-r-----  1 yt    staff       1,  11 24 fév 07:50 /dev/disk3
>>> brw-r-----  1 yt    staff       1,  12 24 fév 08:52 /dev/disk4
>>> brw-r-----  1 yt    staff       1,  13 24 fév 08:56 /dev/disk5
>>>  <<<<<========
>>> 2014-02-24 7:52 GMT+01:00 Yvon Thoraval <yvon.thora...@gmail.com>:
>>>> unfortunately not ;-)
>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][20:41:12]
>>>> '->$ diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "Ram Disk" (hdiutil attach -nomount
>>>> ram://204800)
>>>> Unable to find disk for /dev/disk3
>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][07:50:54]
>>>> '->$
>>>> same result with parenthesis as back ticks...
>>>> 2014-02-24 7:49 GMT+01:00 Yvon Thoraval <yvon.thora...@gmail.com>:
>>>> fine thanks!
>>>>> 2014-02-23 20:59 GMT+01:00 Robert Carpenter <rob...@robacarp.com>:
>>>>> Yvon,
>>>>>> Backticks are indeed the problem. Simply swap them out for
>>>>>> parentheses and it should work as expected:
>>>>>> diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "Ram Disk" (hdiutil attach -nomount
>>>>>> ram://204800)
>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Yvon Thoraval <
>>>>>> yvon.thora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> With shell fish i get :
>>>>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][18:23:13]
>>>>>>> '->$ diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "Ram Disk" `hdiutil attach -nomount
>>>>>>> ram://204800`
>>>>>>> Unable to find disk for `hdiutil
>>>>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][18:32:34]
>>>>>>> '->$
>>>>>>> Switching to sh works :
>>>>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][17:55:51]
>>>>>>> '->$ sh
>>>>>>> sh-3.2$ diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "Ram Disk" `hdiutil attach
>>>>>>> -nomount ram://204800`
>>>>>>> Started erase on disk3
>>>>>>> Unmounting disk
>>>>>>> Erasing
>>>>>>> Initialized /dev/rdisk3 as a 100 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
>>>>>>> Mounting disk
>>>>>>> Finished erase on disk3 Ram Disk
>>>>>>> sh-3.2$ exit
>>>>>>> exit
>>>>>>> .-[yt@iMac.local:~/Downloads][18:10:46]
>>>>>>> '->$
>>>>>>> What should I avoid with fish ?
>>>>>>> th backticks "`" ???
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Yvon@48.871651804,2.384858688
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