I'm trying to set "fzf - Fuzzy finder for your shell <http://goo.gl/PeZ82X>"
for the fish shell <http://goo.gl/Gf4S1p>. The problem is that interactive
commands don't work when I use it in command substitution. Example:

This command works: (echoes all the files in the current dir, and I can
interactively select one by fuzzy-finder)

ls | fzf

But this one doesn't work:

echo (ls | fzf)

It just immediately returns empty string.

It doesn't work for any interactive command, so if you haven't fzf, you can
test it with, say, off the top of my head, chsh:

This command works: (asks for password)


but this one doesn't: (immediately returns empty string)

echo (chsh)

More, when I try to exit fish, it says that "there are stopped jobs", i.e.
the command starts and immediately stops.

How to make it work?
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